
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


DUN DUN DUN ...  The Very First Post!

First, I would like to say thank you for taking the time to stop by and visit! I hope that you will continue to do so as I blog about all the pieces that add up to ME!

I plan to do ALL kinds of things with this blog. So please bare with me as I adjust to this!  I have never had a blog before. *gasp* What a shocker!!  In a world where almost everyone has SOMETHING, yes, I have never had one until now!

So, I shall sign off now to get back to the real life! :)


  1. Welcome to the blog world my love :)

  2. Congrats and welcome to the blogging world! Not only will you gain an amazing place to find yourself and explore each of the pieces that make you YOU, you will meet wondeful people. So great to meet you and follow!
