
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Pancakes from Scratch

Yesterday, I promised my munchkin that I would get some more pancake mix to make his favorite chocolate chip pancakes.  Well, that never happened.  So, today I needed to make some pancakes since i try so hard to not break my promises to my kids. I found this recipe on but didn't have ALL of the ingredients.  I decided to use it as a base and make my own.  They came out PERFECTLY! We love our pancakes very dense and usually just eat one big one (using our smallest frying pan to make just one at a time). So if you have a taste like ours, then this is for you!!  and even if you don't, well give it a shot and let me know what you think! Both of my boys had THREE pancakes each!!!


1 1/4 Cups all-purpose all purpose flour
1 egg
1 cup milk
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup vegetable oil
any desired additions (ie, Choc. Chips, fruit, vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa powder, etc.)

If using a griddle, preheat over medium heat. I used our smallest frying pan sprayed with pam each time I made a new pancake.

Combine all ingredients (except fruit or choc. chips) in blender and PUREE until smooth. (Note, this pic is of the ingredients DOUBLED so i could freeze and store for another morning)

 This one is smaller than our usual but this is the general idea.  I had the stovetop set to just above 4 because anything higher, burned but didn't cook the insides.  anything lower took FOREVER!!!  As it is, it takes a bit.

If adding fruit or Choc. chips, pour batter into a bowl and then mix in.  Then cook as usual.

Flip when golden brown.

Here is the Choc. Chip Pancake all finished.  Throw some Syrup on and YUMMMMMM!!!

One batch makes 5 large pancakes.  Hope you like these as much as we do!!!

1 comment:

  1. Those sound so easy!!!! I am gonna make theese in the morning for my son and I !!! Thanks for sharing.
