
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

50 Facebook Fans Giveaway!!!

I am SOOOO  happy to announce that The Facebook Page reached 50 likes!  Now we can do a GIVEAWAY!!!  Here is the Prize!!!!

Homemade Brown Sugar and Vanilla Body Scrub

The delicious smelling sugar scrub contains brown sugar, granualted sugar, sunflower oil, vanilla extract, and vitamin E oil.   I LOVE this scrub!  Use it all over, or only on your knees, elbows, heels, anyplace that is rough!  When i use it all over, I find that i don't have to use lotion after my shower, because my skin is already super smooth and moisturized!  Not to mention is smells DELICIOUS!!!  So, SIGN UP!!  and Don't forget to continue to share the facebook page!  Next Facebook giveaway is for 75 likes!!!


  1. What a great give away!!! Congrats on the 50 likes!

  2. Awesome giveaway! Im excited =)Congrats on reachin 50!

  3. How fun!
    Following you on Twitter now! Congrats on 50 likes!

    Going to follow you on Networked Blogs, too.

  4. Awesome giveaway! Congrats in your 50 likes!

  5. I get overly dry skin all store bought body scrubs have not worked so let's try home made! :)

    1. I am finding that the homemade is so much better because it can also be adjusted to your particular needs. Like, if you have extremely dry skin, i can make one specifically for you with much more moisturizers in it. OR just make you some lotion! :D

  6. Love that you created this prize all on your own! WTG on 50 likes!
