
Thursday, February 14, 2013

♥ Happy Valentine's Day!!! ♥

I hope all my readers are having an amazing Valentines day!!!  You certainly all deserve it!!  I know i have been lacking again in the blog department.  Its just been super busy in the home life!! So busy I haven't really had much time to make anything "blog worthy".  Well, i can't really say that, because there is something I will be writing about soon.  But for now, i wanted to show my Valentine's Breakfast.  Granted it came in a box so not much creativity there, i still had to shape these hearts and man, was that a challenge..  But my kids were impressed so that is ALL that matters to me!!  So here you go, Pink Chocolate Chip heart-shaped Pancakes!!

This is the package I used. I bought it at Aldi's.

Stirred until mixed but still lumpy.  I used a measuring cup to pour the batter.

 The first attempt.  Since we like our pancakes thick, it made it easier for me to put in the first side of the heart and let it sit there for maybe 5 seconds before pouring the second half of the heart to make the shape.

The underside.  Doesn't seem to be shaped as nicely.

The finished product.  on these you can tell the way i poured the batter and let it sit for a few seconds and then poured the other side.  i made a couple in the small frying pan and then switched to the medium one and made the bigger hearts.  which were harder to flip, but not too bad.

I hope you Enjoy your day!  New Stuff Coming Soon!!!!


  1. Those are pretty! I bet they were yummy too.

  2. Those are really cute!!! Look yummy too!

    I had no idea they sell colored batter for pancakes! Im gonna have to go to Auldi's to check this out.
