
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Spaghetti Squash Casserole Carb Free

Hey Everyone!! My friend Jamie has done it AGAIN!!!  Here is another AMAZING recipe!!!  Here she is!!

Spaghetti Squash Casserole Carb Free

Freaking AMAZING smelling/tasting casserole that reminds me of my old Italian Aunt's kitchen... yum!

Serving size: 1 cup at 200 cal
Servings per container: 20


1 spaghetti squash  (Here is the link to cook it, oven always works the best but takes the longest, I didn't have the time and used the microwave and the noodles weren't quite noodle-y
1 pound ground chicken
Hot lean Italian turkey sausage (chopped in chunks)
1 pound shredded mozzarella
3/4 cup reduced fat grated Parmesan cheese
3/4 of a 26.5 oz can of Hunts tomato basil spaghetti sauce
1 yellow onion, diced
1 green bell pepper
4 tablespoons minced garlic
2 zucchini chopped in thin circles
16 ounces raw mushrooms, sliced
garlic pepper (to taste)
garlic salt (to taste, don't need much)
paprika (to taste, about 6-8 shakes)
2 tsp Italian seasoning 

Pam spray for iron skillet and large glass casserole dish

Set oven to 350 degrees.  Saute onion, garlic, and bell in Pam spray on a large (cast iron) skillet, add meats and all seasoning, cook until done, add the rest of veggies, parm cheese, and spaghetti sauce and place lid over and let simmer for about 5-10 min. Stir. Layer (two layers) in a large glass casserole dish, half of the meat veg mix with a 2 cups of shredded mozzarella, then another layer meat and veg mix (the last of it) and cook in oven for 35 min.  Add the last 2 cups of shredded mozzarella and cook for another 10 min.  Enjoy!

Spaghetti squash out of the microwave cooked in a glass casserole dish in a little water and covered in plastic wrap for 15 min
Hot sausage!


Spaghetti squash forked out of the skin and separated while hot 

Ground chicken

meat and veggies cooking with seasoning

some ingredients

everything in a simmer

first layer

DONE! Perfection


  1. Okay Im officially starving with all these yummy recipes!

  2. I've never had spaghetti squash. Apparently I really need to broaden my eating experiences!

  3. My husband LOVES spaghetti squash! Well looks like this will be added to my grocery shopping..Woohoo!

  4. Oh wow! This looks devine, we'll be trying this out most definitely!

  5. This looks so damn good! I might just try this soon, though I might not use hot sausage, just because I'm a bit of a chicken when it comes to that.
