
Friday, September 6, 2013

S'mores Cake in a Mug!!!

So, the summer is coming to an end, huh?  The leaves are starting to change.  The days are getting shorter, the nights longer.  You start to need a jacket in the mornings until it warms up later.  BOO!!!  There are many things we will miss about summer.  but who says you have to give ALL of them up just because the weather is changing yet again?  One of my favorite is S'mores.  I LOVE them!! And Now i can have them ANYTIME I want (although I don't recommend eating this every day!!  or you will need quite a bit of time in the gym!!)  but it's SOOOO yummy!!!  I found this on How Sweet It Is's blog full of yummy things!!!  Here is my version, but feel free to check out her blog for more!!!  This was filling, I couldn't finish it!!!  so i put it in the fridge and at the rest for BREAKFAST!!   lol  Just place back in microwave for about 15-20 seconds and Yum Yum Yum!!!  lol

Ingredients:  (I doubled these ingredients to make 2 mugs worth, which you will see towards the end in pictures )

2-3 tablespoons graham cracker crumbs
3 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
2 tablespoons sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 
1/8 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
1/4 cup Chocolate Chips
marshmallows (cut in small pieces) or Fluff


Crumble some graham crackers in a bowl.  I used the back of a spoon to further smash them.  LOL  Set bowl aside.

Mix 1/2 the chocolate chips with 3TBS butter.  Melt in the microwave for about 25 seconds.  Mix completely and set aside.


Mix remaining butter into the bowl of graham crackers until moistened and then press into the bottom of your mug.

In another bowl, whisk egg, sugar and vanilla.

Add flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salt.  Mix well.  The batter will be EXTREMELY thick!!  I had to keep shaking it out of the whisk so probably best to just use a spoon at this point.

Add in the melted chocolate mixture and stir completely.  Fold in the remaining chocolate chips.

Place about half of batter (if you are making 2 then do 1/4) on top of graham crackers in the mug.

Add some marshmallows.  I didn't cut mine and now wish I had.  But will probably stick to just using fluff next time.  When they cooked in microwave, they puffed up too big and made the batter go to the sides instead of being a layer.

Add remaining batter on top.

I microwaved mine for almost 2 minutes but because of the marshmallow issue had to keep stopping it.  This is how mine came out. Once I make it again, I will update!  Please remember, all microwaves are different. So yours may take more or less than mine did.

Add some more marshmellow on top and microwave for an additional 30 sec.  You can put some more graham cracker on top if you wish.  I didn't because i was too impatient to crumble more up!!  LoL

This was SOOOO yummy!!!  Like I mentioned earlier, extremely filling for me. I could only eat half and was stuffed, which is rare! LOL  I refrigerated the rest and ate for breakfast after warming up slightly again.  Enjoy!!!


  1. This looks so good! I am glad we are entering fall season now - lots of yummy new treats to try. :)

  2. Oh yum!!! This looks and sounds so good! A great fall treat!

  3. My step daughter loves s'mores. I'll have to try this out with her. Thanks for sharing.

  4. This looks absolutely sinful! We'll be trying this over the Fall months and I have it saved to print out later. Yummy!

  5. This looks amazing, definitely going to do this one!
