
Friday, October 11, 2013

Apple Cider Donut Bites

So, I saw this amazing picture in my Facebook feed from my cousin.  She had made these Baked Apple Cider Doughnut Holes and they looked great!!!  Of course, you know I HAD to ask for the recipe and informed her that if I made it, I was blogging it!  And here we are!!!  Mine look NOTHING like hers,  Especially since its supposed to be baked in a mini muffin pan that my darling husband had given to his cousin in Canada (don't ask how it even got there because that's a whole different story in itself!!) after promising to replace it with a newer and better one.  LOL  That never happened.  So, I made due with what I have!  and I'm HAPPY I did!!!  They are sooo yummy!!  I made them at 8pm last night and by this morning, there are only a few pieces left!!!!  Of course, these have so many variations to them!!  My hubby likes them without the cinnamon sugar coating (*GASP*  the horror!! I know!!  LOL). I like them best with just the tops covered in the coating and my kids, well of course, they like the WHOLE thing covered in coating the best!!  LOL  This recipe has alot of ingredients but is VERY easy to make!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Impossible Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes

Here is yet another trial run for Thanksgiving!!  My house smelled sooooo good!!!!  I saw these first on Facebook and then did a Google Search for the recipe and found this one HERE.  Its REALLY good!!!  And will DEFINITELY be making these for Thanksgiving.  I LOVE pumpkin!!!!  Can't wait!!!!