
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Chocolate Cake for ONE!!

OMG!!  I had been craving chocolate cake for weeks!  Took a look over at to see what I could do.  Boy was I NOT disappointed!!!  I found this one minute chocolate cake while I was there.  I had all the ingredients, so why not??  YUM YUM YUM!!!  It was DELISH!!!


1 tablespoon plus 2 tsp cocoa powder                                                                                                                3 tablespoons all purpose Flour                                                                                                         
1/8 tsp salt                                                                                                                                          
1 tablespoon + 2 tsp sugar                                                                                                                       1/4 tsp baking powder                                                                                                                       
2-3 tsp coconut oil or vegetable oil (I made it with unsweetened applesauce)                                         
3 tablespoons milk of choice (I used regular whole milk)                                                                    
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

Mix dry ingredients very well.  

Then add liquids. Stir. 

Pour into a sprayed coffee mug. 

Now, Her directions say to microwave for 30-40 seconds, BUT, mine wasn't done until 2 minutes.  Top with frosting of your desires!  Mine was topped with some chocolate cookie icing because I had nothing else.  But the possibilities are endless!! ENJOY!


  1. Really! A cake that's done in one minute. I know yours took 2 minutes, but I'm tempted to try it just to see if it's done in 1 minute.

  2. Oh my gosh that is making me drool. I need some chocolate cake NOW!!!

  3. Oh girrrrrl you are KILLIN me! Ill try this this weekend, Thanks for sharin!

  4. This is the first recipes I've seen where you can do that in so little time and it looks yummy! :)
