
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Updates and Spinshotz Party!!

Hi everyone!!!!  I'm sorry I haven't been posting on here the last 2 weeks.  Its been a bit crazy. We are all still trying to adjust.  I started a new job last week working with a very dear friend of mine in her in home daycare and I've pretty much thrown myself into it entirely!  She worries I will burn myself out, BUT, this is something I LOVE to do.  If I can help just ONE child, I'm happy!  Anyways, for now, it's 3 days a week.  I"m hoping for more soon because I'm already attached to each child there.

Something else I would like to update on, I must sincerely apologize to the winner of my giveaway as i have still not made it to post office.  Gretchen, I will get that out as soon as possible.

Also, I am looking into updating the blog look!!  I've become bored with it's current design and would like to change it up a bit.  We shall see what i can come up with!

And, lastly, I'd like to mention about our Hotwheels Spinshotz House Party last week.  I was given the opportunity by to host a party featuring the new hotwheels spinshotz.  I think all the kids had a GREAT time!!  Here's a few pictures!!!

Here is what I received from them for free.

Prepping for the big day!  Welcome signs, VIP Necklaces, and Game all printed out!

Set Up!!!

Our Design your own spinshot section.

The food!!!!


Designing is underway!!!!

Playing!!  Yup, you can stack them!!!!  Pretty cool!!!

Battle time!!

Attempting to launch!!

These two were attempting to launch the tops and then "toss" them in the air and catch them on the plate while still spinning.  Worked a couple of times!!

All in all, a great party to be had!!  I would definitely recommend these spinshotz for the favorite boy in your life!!  My kids are still playing with them constantly 2 weeks later!  That is saying something!!

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