
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Brownie Batter Pancakes

Hi Everyone!  First, a HUGE Shout out to all my newest fans and followers!!! I'm SOOO thrilled!!  You have no idea how excited I am for all of this!!!  If you haven't already, don't forget to sign up for the 50 Facebook Fans Giveaway!!!  Now, on to the next order of business!!  A dear friend of mine brought to my attention and of course, one of the very first thing is see when I go on there are these brownie batter pancakes!  "picture me wiping drool off my chin*!!  Yes, that was me!  So i decided to give it a go!!!  Mine have warm peanut butter drizzled over them!!!  My boys DEVOURED the entire plate!!!  and still wanted more! I'd say it's a winner!! and what's more, ITS HEALTHY!!!  TRIPLE score in my book!!!

Here they are!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

50 Facebook Fans Giveaway!!!

I am SOOOO  happy to announce that The Facebook Page reached 50 likes!  Now we can do a GIVEAWAY!!!  Here is the Prize!!!!

Homemade Brown Sugar and Vanilla Body Scrub

The delicious smelling sugar scrub contains brown sugar, granualted sugar, sunflower oil, vanilla extract, and vitamin E oil.   I LOVE this scrub!  Use it all over, or only on your knees, elbows, heels, anyplace that is rough!  When i use it all over, I find that i don't have to use lotion after my shower, because my skin is already super smooth and moisturized!  Not to mention is smells DELICIOUS!!!  So, SIGN UP!!  and Don't forget to continue to share the facebook page!  Next Facebook giveaway is for 75 likes!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Mom's Sneaky Mac & Cheese

Do you have picky kids?  If not, maybe you are one of the LUCKY ones!!!  But even if you ARE lucky, who doesn't need more veggies in their diet???  And having it completely undetected in this popular comfort food?  that's just a TRIPLE plus!!  The whole process of sneaking veggies and fruits into food isn't a "new" thing for me.  About 2 years ago, I discovered The Sneaky Chef.  I still use some of her purees in our foods now.  One of them being the "orange puree".  BUT, I didn't have any made today.  What I DID have, was some stage 1 baby food my daughter hasn't really touched since she only wants OUR food now.  LIGHT BULB!!!!  I used Carrots and Squash!!  can you see it?  NOPE, can you taste it?  Even BIGGER NOPE!!!   LoL  My Kids inhaled this in a matter of minutes!  Thank goodness the recipe left me with a TON of left overs!!  Which I'll be using for another recipe i have in mind as well!!  So stay tuned for that!!  But first, here is Mom's Sneaky Mac & Cheese!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Baked Mozzarella Sticks

YUMMM!! Is your mouth watering already?  It should be!!!!  I have a feeling you will be seeing many more posts from me that come from  This woman is BRILLIANT and the food is AMAZING!!!   I found these mozzarella sticks on her site.  and fell in love.  Seriously!   Baked instead of fried? I was skeptical, but kids and hubby inhaled them!!! and wanted more, but I hadn't thought to make a second batch!!  LOL  Now, I know for next time!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

♥ Happy Valentine's Day!!! ♥

I hope all my readers are having an amazing Valentines day!!!  You certainly all deserve it!!  I know i have been lacking again in the blog department.  Its just been super busy in the home life!! So busy I haven't really had much time to make anything "blog worthy".  Well, i can't really say that, because there is something I will be writing about soon.  But for now, i wanted to show my Valentine's Breakfast.  Granted it came in a box so not much creativity there, i still had to shape these hearts and man, was that a challenge..  But my kids were impressed so that is ALL that matters to me!!  So here you go, Pink Chocolate Chip heart-shaped Pancakes!!